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Team Curriculum

Business Strategy





Analyze companies and markets using relevant tools and theories to propose appropriate strategies for major companies

Analyze marketing principles and company cases and develop actual marketing strategies based on industry, market, and consumer insights 

Evaluate real companies' values using various valuation methods and business theories, and develop a final Stock Pitch

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Being both a Generalist and a Specialist

Business Strategy

Previous Output 

Upcoming Curriculum

During the Fall semester of 2024, the BS Team developed logical thinking and research methodologies through case studies and devised practical strategies for assigned enterprises.


 Week 1-3: Corporate  Alliance Project 1- Amorepacific

The BS Team collaborated with Amorepacific to develop a global go-to-market (GTM) strategy for its shampoo brand, LABO-H. The project involved an in-depth analysis of the U.S. hair care market, with a focus on consumer needs, emerging trends, and competitive landscape. The team explored LABO-H’s core strengths and considered how to effectively communicate these differentiators to target consumers. Key areas of focus included branding direction and entry strategies aligned with consumer preferences and market dynamics.

Week 3-5: Open Case – Spotify

In an open case study based on an HBR case, the team explored strategies to address the decline in Spotify's premium subscriber ratio and increase overall revenue. By analyzing user behavior and market trends, the team proposed actionable solutions aimed at enhancing subscriber retention and acquisition.



Week 1-3: Corporate Alliance Project 1
- Coupang Eats

The BS team will collaborate with Coupang Eats for a corporate alliance project, focusing on deriving strategic insights based on survey analysis.
The corporate alliance session will proceed as follows:

  • WK 1. Conducting surveys and analyzing market trends

  • WK 2. Evaluating collected data and assessing strategic opportunities

  • WK 3. Developing the final strategic plan




​​​​Week 4-5: Tesla Open Case Study

The BS team will engage in a strategic planning project for Tesla, developing strategies to strengthen its competitive position and address industry challenges.

The open case study session will proceed as follows:

  • Week 4: Conducting initial research and drafting preliminary strategies

  • Week 5: Refining strategies based on feedback and finalizing the report

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Previous Output 

Upcoming Curriculum




Week 1-3: Corporate Alliance Project 1
- Compose Coffee


Our team will collaborate with Compose on the first corporate alliance project. While the specific topic will be refined through further discussions, the project will follow this approach:

1. Analyze industry trends and identify opportunities aligned with Compose’s business direction

2. Gather insights through surveys and IDI to understand behaviors and pain points

3. Develop targeted marketing strategies based on research findings and propose a concrete action plan for effective execution


​​​​​Week 4-6: Corporate Alliance Project 2

Our team will focus on the second corporate alliance project. Due to the company's request, the company name and topic will remain confidential.


The corporate alliance project will proceed in the following order:
1. Conduct comprehensive market research and analyze potential opportunities

2. Gather insights through surveys and IDI to understand consumer needs and behaviors

3. Develop targeted marketing strategies and propose a concrete action plan for execution


During the Fall semester of 2024, the Marketing Team focused on not only learning various marketing tools and research methods but also applying them in real-life marketing situations.


Week 1-3: Corporate Alliance Project 1

- Amorepacific

The Marketing Team collaborated with 'Amorepacific' to propose strategies for Perfect Serum’s North American expansion and plan a synergistic new product.

We conducted market and competitor analysis in the first week, consumer research through desk studies and surveys in the second week, and developed customized marketing strategies for North American consumers and outlined directions for new product development.​


Week 4-7: Corporate Alliance Project 2
- Liner


The Marketing team addressed the challenges faced by practitioners at 'Liner' which is confidential, and suggested several strategies devised by conducting desk research and IDI (in-depth-interview).

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Previous Output 

Upcoming Curriculum


In the previous Fall semester of 2024, the Finance Team analyzed financial reports of 'Nongshim' and performed valuations using DCF and Comps methods.

Finance team also produced security report of company 'P&L' and M&A information memorandum of  'Osstem Implant'.

Week 1: Finance 101 & Modeling Basics

In the first week, the team will study the fundamental theories of finance and accounting, including the basics of financial modeling. 

Week 2: Comps Valuation

In the second week, the team will conduct a Comps valuation by analyzing a company’s financial statements, market activities, and peer companies. 

Week 3: DCF Valuation

In the third week, the team will conduct a DCF valuation by analyzing a company’s financial statements and forecasting its future cash flow generation potential. 

Week 4&5: Stock Pitch

In the final weeks, the team will split up into two, and each group will conduct a stock pitch on a chosen company implementing methods studied in the previous three weeks. The team will produce a holistic analysis of the company, analyzing the discrepancy between a company’s market and intrinsic values.



43rd President    




Kwon Yujin



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